Customer Testimonials

What Clients Say About Us

  • Tara J. Demarco - Customer
    I called at 8:15PM on a Thursday night and was told the repairman would be here by 10. He called at 9PM telling me he’d be here at 9:30 and showed up on time. He had my refrigerator fixed and running in another 30 minutes. I strongly recommend this company!
  • 3 year old Samsung dryer noisy. Came to inspect and initially thought that we needed heat box. Ordered part. When came to install, the 2nd technician advised that it was just major dryer lint buildup on the fan blades. Cleaned and now works without any noise.
  • Josefina N. Holt - Customer
    I called at 2pm on a Saturday to have someone repair my refrigerator and spoke to Mike. He was able to setup an appointment the same day and I had my fridge up and running 2 hours later. Thanks, guys!